Below are a bunch of questions from a variety of members of the community and answers from other members. View and scroll through the images in the post as the text it not worth actually reading (sorry).
How can I decorate my home interior?
The first thing to do would be to hire a good interior designer and take some advice so you’ll get some ideas and know whats needed. Don’t attempt to do it yourself unless you have a natural flare for decoration and design . It would be better to enlist the services of someone who has been doing it for a long time.

Design of renovation 2014
Kitchen, bathroom and ensuite
Interior Designers:
You can contribute by adding wall decorations like paintings, prints, framed photographs. Maybe a family portrait – something personal your family can connect to and enjoy together.

Design of renovation 2017
bathroom (including laundry), ensuite, soft furnishings
Location: Richmond VIC
Builder: JMCarpentry
Photography: May Photography
Interior Designers:

3 Design Trend Expected to Continue
The Timeless Look
2018 Designer of the Year
The timeless look or some kids would say “old school” styles.
Sustainable Materials
People want to conserve the environment. Design thats deeper than aesthetics and represents a mission grounded in ethics.
2019 Design of the Year
Neutrals are now Colours
That’s right. rainbow bright colours are in and flat tones are out.
2020 Designer Runners up

How would you describe an interior design style?
It is a style that takes all the interior design elements and come up with something unique. Each style is certainly a lot different from the other so you may need to think for a long time before being able to make a choice.

How many interior design styles are there?
The number of interior design styles would depend on who you talk to. There are some people who have it at 20 while some say it is as many as 30. Of course, all of them could provide links to all the interior design styles.

What are the 7 elements of interior design?
The seven elements are colors, patterns, forms, textures, light, lines, and space. All these elements should all be considered when it comes to make the interior design of a home. It is impossible to make one when one of the elements is missing. In fact, it is possible you already used one of the elements without knowing that you already did considering how important they all are.

What is Joanna Gaines decorating style?
It is a modern farmhouse style. Since Gaines is one of the most interior designers in the world, there are a lot of interior designers who pattern their work after her style. You can’t blame them for doing so since you would need someone to look up to no matter which industry you belong to.

Photographer : May Photography

What are the types of interior design styles?
Scandinavian, Bohemian, Shabby Chic, Urban Modern, Farmhouse, Nautical, Industrial, and Mid-Western Modern. The names themselves speak for the type of interior design style you can expect. The architecture will be arranged the way it is meant to be. The furniture will be placed where they should be too.

What is Zen interior design?
Zen is basically a minimalist approach to living your life. The interior design will symbolize what that is all about. Since it makes use of natural light, you will certainly save a lot of money when it comes to paying the electricity bill.

How do I choose a design style?
You must take a look at each room or space and put your own home decoration input into it. When you combine all those things, you should be able to arrive with a good finished product. Besides, you don’t have to copy an interior design style exactly the way it is.

Final Bit
Special thanks to interior design for was their beautiful photographs of the amazing design works they’ve completed in Melbourne. Without these images this blog post would be absolutely terrible. Thanks Guys! Leave a review in the comment box below: